About Sentrian Telecom

Woman happy with her telco

Customers shouldn't hate their telco.

Sentrian Telecom was founded to help make this goal a reality.

Our model is one of customer obsession; we believe that if we take care of our customers properly, they will stick by us for the long term. We believe this because it is a model that we have already made work.

Sentrian Telecom is a branch of Sentrian, an IT services company founded in 1992 on the same principle of customer obsession.

The original Sentrian was started in response to the poor levels of support businesses were receiving. Over the past 28 years, we’ve helped hundreds of Australian businesses get the most out of their IT infrastructure and our customers have stuck with us as a result.

Along the way, we began offering telephony and networking services and by 2020, we had grown large enough that we felt the time was right to formally launch our own telecommunications brand.

You-Centred Technology

At Sentrian, we have a simple mission: supporting the people behind your organisation with the tech they need to succeed. We call this "You-Centred Technology”.

You’re busy delivering high-value services to customers and keeping your team productive and happy. You need reliable, innovative technology that can keep pace with the growth of your business and support your team to succeed.

Sentrian can help you build, rebuild, evolve and manage your organisation’s technology to create a flexible and collaborative tech environment for your people. And keep downtime, disruptions, and tech headaches to an absolute minimum.

Sentrian in Numbers


Staff in locations including
Brisbane, Sydney,
and Melbourne.


Employee engagement score benchmarked against companies across more than 90 countries.


Average years of service at Sentrian means our team retains the knowledge, experience and skills to fulfil your technology needs.


Staff turnover rate at industry-low levels means you don’t need to talk with new people every time you call.


Days study leave per year for all Sentrian staff so the people you deal with have the expertise you need.

What We Stand For:

We exist to serve

Without our clients, there is no Sentrian. We’re here to serve, and we’re delighted when we can help. We listen with empathy, do with consistency, and can be relied on always.

Integrity over profit

We’re honest and transparent with clients and staff and act with integrity. We don’t lock our clients into inflexible contracts and we don’t sell them products or services they can’t use or don’t need.

Our people are our business

We spend a lot of time at work so it’s important we create a culture where our people feel rewarded and valued for their skills and expertise, and where they can have some fun!

Never settle

We’re never satisfied with the status quo. We constantly improve and look for better ways to do things for the benefit of our clients. And we invest heavily in the growth and development of our people.

Be the best

We strive for excellence, always. We owe it to our clients and our people to make Sentrian the best in the market.
Our People

Meet the team.

Book your free strategy session.

Spend some time with a Sentrian expert and walk away with a plan to get your communications technology on track.